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Thoughts on equity, policy drafting and reflections.

Understandings on my last three day session in Azim Premji University
The session which had the discussions on equity and quality was really interesting. Understanding equity is complex, it is a very broad term. If quality of education is achieved through ensuring participation, reflective processes, better teaching practices, improved school infrastructure for all walks of the society equity will happen in the long run.

When the preparation of policies are taken in to account, I think that the participation/buy-in of the Implementing body should be ensured. Specific field level researches can be conducted before drafting a policy in order to understand the need as well as specialties of different regions.

As far as my understanding is, reflection of thought on a concept can occur only when there is an experience. A teacher all of a sudden will not be able to experiment on children, only through having a deep understanding on the behavior, learning capacity of the children can a teacher have reflection from what he/she has studied.  


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