Thursday, 19 July 2012 An Inspired Teacher. Julia Weber, a single-teacher school teacher in the United States. She proved that inspiration and enthusiasm of a single teacher can make huge differences. Having the best infrastructure does not mean q uality in education. A teacher who is continuously innovating, reflecting and acting plays a key role in achieving quality education. Using locally available resources is very important and effective in teaching. If the local community is thoughtfully involved in the schooling processes, most resources needed for learning can be easily organized. Currently, in most schools, irrespective of the management, the community is kept either out or they are only involved in a unproductive manner. Most places the community is not aware of what is happening in the schools. The schools are seen as building where something is taught, and this ‘something‘ is not known by the community. The idea of peer group learning is an effective way...
something or the other.